

It is not very often that we have the opportunity to receive communion more than once in the same day. Sometimes though, we find ourselves in a situation that looks somewhat like this. We participate at the usual 8:00 AM Mass on Wednesday and then participate at the funeral Mass of a friend at 10:30 AM on he same day.

In this discussion we will give ourselves the benefit of the doubt and say that we are free from mortal sin and that we have fasted for an hour before the time of communion in both Masses and are therefore eligible to receive communion both at the 8:00 AM Mass and the 10:30 AM funeral.

Is it permitted to take communion at both Masses?

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  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Absolutely! Of course one is permitted to receive the Eucharist in both Masses. Otherwise, one would not be participating fully of the Masses that one would be attending.
    An analogy of this would be when we go to two different parties in one day. I'm sure that we in the first party we would not eat much just to leave room enough to be able to eat at the second party. If not, we would eat all we want in the first and at least have a drink and/appetizers in the second. We usually consider it unclassy to turn down offers for food. So why turn down offers for the Lord?

  2. Are you saying that if I were in a state of mortal sin and I do not receive, because I would not want to add sacrilege to my sins against God, that I am not "fully participating"? I'd like to see where the Church teaches this ...

    Ecclesia Militans Apologetics

  3. Laurence,

    I think that they are saying the "fully participating" part because the relevant canon law stipulates that you can receive holy comunion daily and that you can receive it a second time, but only if recieved at Mass and only if you "fully particpate" in that mass.

  4. Laurence:
    1.) It is not full participation if you refrain from participation in the consumption of the Sacrifice to not insult God any further.
    2.) Canon Law also states that the second Mass must be one offered for a totally different intention than the first one and for a specific community. E.G. Matrimonial celebration; Funeral; Confirmation; Anointing of the sick.

    Paul Dion, STL
    Theology Editor,
